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A psychological assessment takes place face-to-face in my office. It usually takes 2½ - 3½ hours and includes various components such as a consultation with history-taking, the administration of psychometric tests, observations, and the completion of questionnaires and ratings scales. The psychometric tests administered are widely used across the education and health domains. The views of the person being assessed (child or adult) also form a vital part of the assessment. 


Psychological assessment is conducted for a range of purposes including diagnosis of general learning difficulties and specific learning difficulties in literacy (dyslexia) and numeracy (dyscalculia). Clients can also be screened for neurodevelopmental conditions such ADHD/ADD, ASD/autism, dyspraxia/DCD, and speech & language difficulties. The impact of a young person’s difficulties on their ability to access the school curriculum can be assessed and recommendations made about how to support their needs, including ‘Access Arrangements’ for examinations (e.g. the need for extra time, a scribe, or a reader). Psychological assessment can also be helpful in gaining a better perspective for understanding the young person and their needs.


On completion of the assessment, a comprehensive report is provided which includes recommendations and advice about how the young person can be best supported across the home and school settings.

Assessment fee is £575.

Employer assessment fee is £675. 

Medicolegal assessment fee is case specific. 



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A consultation service is offered (usually by telephone) whereby your individual concerns are discussed and advice and guidance is provided to signpost the next steps for identification of needs or possible support. 

Consultation fee starts at £50 and is payable in advance. 



Bespoke presentations and training packages can be provided to schools, community groups, and businesses on a range of educational and developmental issues. Recent trainings have included Parenting in a Pandemic, Understanding the Education System in relation to your Autistic Child, and The Benefits of Mindfulness for Children and Families.


Fee is dependent on the nature of training required. Please contact me to discuss your needs. 

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